Monday, May 27, 2024

Return of the Dragon queen

 I have had major life changes since the last time I posted here and I may show some of that in time or this might be the last post ever , you just never know. But as things stand right now I might try and drop by the old blog once in a while again .Everything is is different but its all completely the same. Anyways this stuff (like most everything else I currently own ) was recently acquired / reacquired  so I thought I would toss up a picture.



  1. Those look like Origins figures but probably aren't. They look cool, tho. Hope all is well, Brother. Let me know if there's anything you're on the lookout for 😉

    1. No Origins here :) honestly right off the top of my head I can't think of anything Im looking for specifically .I did actually just start collecting Origins so I am missing a bunch of those and I'm still into monsters of any kind.


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