Monday, May 21, 2018

Soma Fantasy World : Hellord

This line is pretty much overlooked but in my opinion they are a better quality figure than the more recognisable Remco figures. One issue with these guy  is that the weapons suffer from gold plastic syndrome  (I broke this guy's wand and the handle on the shield ).


  1. Some of those will show up down here one day. I thereby propheci it

    1. maybe , last time I found one in the wild was in the 80's though.

  2. I don't know how that happened but I'm assuming It broke when you tried to equip it.I'm always so hesitant to arm any of my vintage figures ,Joes especially ,for fear of breakage.Classic figure,tho.I'd have my Perseus Clash figure go up against this guy.

    1. yeah , the old gold plastic just crumbles and I was to excited to get this guy and fat fingered the entire thing :( I fixed the shield but the wand broke in 4 places and Im pretty sure some of it turned to dust and blew away lol This guy would tower over Perseus , he is about the same size as Heman (maybe a smidge taller)

  3. Replies
    1. they are pretty cool , cant wait to get the rest of the set.


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