Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Here, There Be Dragons

 These are Mcfarlane Dragons that came out forever ago. I have long since forgent what each of these were named but the Chinese style dragon is my favorite.


  1. Oh wow! Those things are so cool.

    1. there pretty great. I have more of them somewhere but for some reason didn't get put away in the same place as these.

  2. Ah - the golden age of McFarlane toys. Remember when there was almost an entire aisle in Toys R Us devoted to unique McFarlane lines? The dragons were awesome. Amazing sculpts. I had many of them but sold the lot a few years ago. :-(

    I mostly miss the McFarlane Military. They were supposed to have a huge line of WW2 figures but got canceled. They managed to get out those three Pacific Marines and 1 Brit as part of the Call of Duty branding. More toys that time forgot.

    Anyway - thanks for sharing the Dragons. Fantastic!

    1. Now that I think about it Mcfarlane has a history of cancelling lines. I do wish they would release more dragons.

  3. It makes total sense that they existed in a time long ,long ago.I mean why not?It's just a dinosaur with wings.Birds,basically.

    1. There are very similar depictions of dragons from ancient cultures around the world. Places that had no contact with each other separated by the ocean give something a nearly identical name and appearance seems like more than coincidence but for me the exist in an alternate reality in a place with wizards and magic swords lol


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