Tuesday, July 10, 2012

XZ-38 Disintegrator

 I have been digging into what seems to be an infinite number of box's and plastic tubs over the last few weeks desperately  searching for 2 small Remco monsters action figures that seem to have slipped from this dimension to the next.In the process of sifting threw some 15 years worth or better of accumulated junk I stumbled upon a stack of forgotten cd's one of which was this
When I bought this  Foo fighters cd originally I didn't really think to much about the cover but my older wiser eyes of today immediately locked onto that ray gun and I knew I had to delve deeper into the origin of the image.
The gun on the cover is the Buck Rogers  XZ-38 Disintegrator Pistol by daisy made in 1935.
Toys from that point in time are completely out my field of expertise but I know cool when I see it and this gun has it. The XZ-38 Disintegrator would look perfectly at home displayed with my beloved Big Loo (that I will never own) or with pretty much any other scifi robot display.Looks like Im adding another inpossible item to my want list.


  1. That gun is very cool and i think something that Brian at Cool and Collected my be all about too.

    1. I may actually be the proud owner of one of these very soon with a little luck.Is Brian a classic scifi collector?

    2. I am! Or at least I try to be.

      I've seen a few of those atomic disintegrators before but they're always a few hundred bucks--way too steep for me--but I'll find one at a yard sale one of these days. ;)

    3. Ha yeah Im trying to be as well, the prices make it easier to look and not buy tho.With your yard sale luck I really wouldn't be surprised if you did find one.

    4. Good luck on the hunt my friend. : )

    5. Thanks! If my brother is correct there is one of these sitting in a case at a local dumpy antiques store well with in my price threshold,tho last time he gave me a lead he sent me on a wild goose chase for a Great Garloo the turned out to be an extremely over priced Mattel Krusher :/

  2. Wow...I never put that together and I've seen that cover about a zillion times!! Good Post!!

    1. Thanks! Im the same way, I never once even thought about what was on the cover before the other day.Its crazy how something can be right in front of you and you never see it.


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